Adam Giordano

Graphic Designer

Diving into illustration, iconography, motion design, and augmented reality.

Controlling a frame animation playback by swiping left and right.

Illustrations at large and small scale

Transforming illustrations into frame-by-frame animations


(click, drag, and release the icons below)

Experimenting with Augmented Reality

Mobile users with Instagram can access the filter via link:

Lessons learned from Meta SparkAR Studio:

Most AR experiences are better with fewer restrictions.

What begins as a great concept for a new filter can quickly become a hassle for designer and end user. Experiences should not be over-complicated or interfere with the end user’s ability to express themselves.

Coding experience not required.

The software’s user interface is aesthetically similar to Adobe Photoshop with an upgraded visual hierarchy for different asset types. The design process that I learned to follow within this software reminded me somewhat of Adobe Dreamweaver and AfterEffects. Following tutorials, reading guides, and navigating Meta’s technical guidance glossary helped me get un-stuck many times.